
What Is The Average Height In The Nba

what is the average height in the nba

What is the average height Basketball of an NBA point guard? |Sport

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Question by : What is the average height of an NBA point guard?
im just wondering cuz my little brother who is 12, says he wants to play in the nba. He was in 6th grade and played 13aau and scored about 25 a game. He can also pass and play defense.
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My dad is about 6'0-6'1 so my brother will probably be that height, is that tall enough for a nba or college point guard? Whats the average?

Oh yeah and dont shoes add and inch to his height?

Answer by aznboyknowledge
The average point guard height should be around 6'2 to 6'3.Q&A: What is the average height of an NBA point guard?

Best answer:

Lifetime 1225 Pro Court Height-Adjustable Portable Basketball System with 44-Inch Backboard
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